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Terms of use



1.1. Sole proprietor "ROMAN CHYKHICHYN", (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor and/or the Company) publishes this Public Agreement (Agreement and/or Offer) on the provision of services on the Contractor’s website and VAS applications for mobile devices based on iOS, Android.

1.2. In accordance with the law, the Agreement is a public agreement and in case of acceptance (acceptance) of the conditions set forth below, any capable individual or legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the User) undertakes to comply with the terms of this Agreement.

1.3. In this offer, unless the context requires otherwise, the terms below have the following meanings:

  • Offer – the public offer of the Contractor addressed to any capable individual and/or legal entity to conclude a Public Agreement with him concerning provision of services on the terms contained in this Agreement, including all its annexes;
  • Acceptance – full acceptance of the terms of the Agreement by the User;
  • ContractorSole proprietor "ROMAN CHYKHICHYN", legal address: Poland, Warsaw city, Masovian district, Klobucka street, 6D, 02-699
  • Site(s) – website, https://usa.vas.tradehttps://vas.ua, VAS applications for mobile devices based on operating systems iOS, Android, administered by the Company and representing a communication platform for posting temporary classified publications on agricultural topics (hereinafter referred to as the Site and/or the Sites);
  • User – any capable individual or legal entity who has accepted the terms of this Agreement and uses the services of the Company. On behalf of a legal entity, the use of the Site is carried out by an authorized employee/representative of such a legal entity;
  • Business User is a user that uses the Site for business purposes and meets at least one of the features specified in this Agreement;
  • Goods – any tangible and intangible object;
  • Service – any operation, other than the supply of goods, associated with the provision of a service that is consumed in the process of performing a certain action or carrying out a certain activity to meet the personal needs of the customer;
  • VAS services/service – any paid and free services provided by the Contractor using the Sites (for example, including, but not limited to, all of its capabilities, text, data, information, software, graphics or photographs, drawings, etc.), as well as any other services provided by the Company with the help of the services of the Sites.
  • Account/Account – an electronic account of the User created by the User and owned by the Contractor in the functional system of the Sites, with which he can manage his publications on the Sites. The Account/Account can be used only by one User, the transfer of data for access to the Account/Account to another User (another person) is not permitted;
  • Registration – the acceptance by the User of an offer to conclude this Agreement and the procedure during which the User, by filling in the appropriate forms of the Site, provides the necessary information to use the services of the Site. Registration is considered complete only if all its stages are successfully completed in accordance with the instructions published on the Site.
  • Personal data – information or a set of information about an individual who is identified with their help or can be specifically identified.
  • Placement – an action of the User – publication, or activation of one ad. Placing is also an amendment to an existing ad, if such an amendment involves a change and/or addition of a product, a change in the essential properties of the product, or a change in the region.

1.4. If the User does not agree with the Agreement in whole or in part, the Contractor asks him to leave this site and/or remove the application from the device. These terms and conditions govern the User’s use of the VAS Sites and Services. The use of VAS means that the User is familiar with this Agreement, understands and accepts its terms. The rights and obligations of the Parties, the rules for using the Sites may also be contained in articles, materials posted on the Site (or links to which are posted on the Site). Such articles, materials are an integral part of the Agreement.

1.5. By starting to use any VAS service, by installing the application or by carrying out the registration procedure, the User confirms his legal capacity and acceptance of the terms of the Agreement in full, without any reservations or exceptions. If the User disagrees with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the User is not allowed to use the services.

1.6. The Company hereby invites Internet Users to use its services on the terms set forth in this Agreement.

1.7. The Company offers the User the services concerning using the Sites to post information about goods (services) for the purpose, including, but not limited to, of the subsequent purchase or sale of various goods and services by other Users.

1.8. All transactions are concluded between Users directly. Therefore, the Company is not a participant in the Users’ transactions, but only provides a communication trading platform for placing publications.


2.1. The User receives the right to post publications on the Sites after passing verification.

If the User deletes the account, the phone number that was previously used can be used by the User again not earlier than 60 days from the date of deletion of the Account. In case of blocking of the Account by the Company, the telephone number can be used again no earlier than 1 year from the date of blocking of the corresponding Account.

2.2. The User also has the right to register on the Sites in order to obtain additional services by filling in the form indicating valid email address to which only the User has access, a mobile phone number, and other data required for registration. After that, the User receives an e-mail with confirmation of registration, containing a link that must be followed to complete the registration.

2.3. The User has the right to create an account and log in to the Site using his Facebook account information by applying Facebook Connect. The User who is not registered on the Site, in order to register with the help of Facebook, must enter his Facebook account data (login and password) at the request of the system, after which he will be able to use the services of the Site. By registering on the Site with application of the Facebook Connect, the User provides the Company with additional personal data. Detailed information about personal data provided to the Company and processed by the Company - in the Appendix No.1 (Privacy policy) to the Agreement.

2.4. The use of the capabilities and services of the Sites, both by registered and unregistered Users means acceptance of the obligations to follow the rules and instructions on use of services, including the present Agreement.

2.5. The User is responsible for all actions involving use of his email address, mobile phone number and password to enter the Sites. The user has the right to use the services of the Sites only with his own email address, mobile phone number and password. In case of transferring data for access to the Account/Account to another User (another person), such Account/Account may be blocked at the discretion of the Administration.

2.6. The User undertakes to keep the password confidential and not disclose it to third parties.

2.7. The User is obliged to immediately change the data for entering the Sites if he has reason to suspect that his email address, phone number and password used to enter the Sites have been disclosed or may be used by third parties.

2.8. A User who posts advertisements for the sale of goods or services on the Site undertakes to post information about them in accordance with this Agreement and the instructions presented on the Site and provide accurate and complete information about the product or services and the terms of sale thereof. By posting information about a product or service, the User confirms that he has the right to sell this product or provide this service in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the countries in which they are sold.

2.9. The User guarantees that the goods/services offered by him comply with the quality standards established by the legislation of the countries for which they are sold and are free from the claims of third parties.

2.10. The User guarantees that the services offered by him whether provision thereof requires special permission, will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the countries whose special bodies will be authorized to supervise such activities of the User.

2.11. The User is obliged to carefully check all information about the goods and services posted by him on the Sites, and, if incorrect information is found, add the necessary information to the description of the goods or services. If this is not possible, correct the incorrect information by canceling the ad and re-posting information about the product or service.

2.12. Delivery terms should be included in the description of the product and the terms of service in the description of the service. The conditions for the sale of goods and the provision of services drawn up by the User must not contradict this Agreement and the current legislation of the countries for which they are implemented.

2.13. The User undertakes not to provide active support and not to spread information about the services provided by the competitors of the Contractor like, but not limited to:

  • Information about other message boards, marketplaces, online auctions and/or online stores;
  • Internet resources offering goods and services that are prohibited for sale on the Sites.

2.14. The Company has the right to move, complete or extend the period of demonstration of the goods or services of the User for technical reasons that are under the control or beyond the control of the Company. The Company has the right to stop displaying the ad if the User has registered a product or a service having made a violation of the terms of this Agreement or current applicable law.

2.15. The User is prohibited to:

2.15.1. Post equal publications from the same email address/mobile phone number;

2.15.2. Duplicate the same from different email addresses/mobile phone numbers;

2.15.3. Publish publications in the directory that does not match the content of the ad;

2.15.4. Post publications, descriptions and/or photos of which are unrelated, unreadable;

2.15.5. Publish publications offering several products and services at the same time;

2.15.6. Insert links to resources in the ad that contain malicious elements or links to the home page of the site;

2.15.7. Post an advertisement for a product or service if such placement may lead to a violation of law enforcement legislation;

2.15.8. Publications can be selectively posted or pre-moderated by representatives of the Company.

The Company has the right to remove publications at the request of the copyright holder or competent state authorities. The Company also reserves the right to remove any publications that, in its opinion, do not comply with the principles and foundations of public morality. The decision to remove is final and not subject to appeal.

2.16. The Administration and Moderators of the Site (representatives of the Company) have the right to:

2.16.1. Make changes to the User’s ad text regarding spelling and punctuation that do not affect the general meaning of the ad content;

2.16.2. Transfer publications to other directories of the Sites in case a more suitable directory is found for their placement;

2.16.3. Refuse to publish publications if they do not correspond to the subject of the selected catalogues or violate this Agreement, as well as limit the number of publications from one User for the convenience of using the Sites.

2.16.4. It is prohibited to indicate incorrect properties of the subject of the offer in the announcement. Including an indication of a price that does not correspond to the actual selling price of a product or service. The price must be indicated in full for the entire product or service.

2.16.5. Publications should not contain contact or personal information concerning the User (phone number, email address, Internet resource address).

2.16.6. A photo showing a product/service offered by the User for sale must correspond to the ad text. The photo should only show the proposed object. Stock photos and/or photos downloaded from the Internet with copyright are prohibited from publication in the publications of private Users.

2.16.7. To facilitate interaction between Users, the Company may establish limited access to contact information of other Users. The right to use information provided by other Users is limited by this Agreement.

2.16.8. The Company is not responsible for the content of ads or hyperlinks to resources indicated in the description of user publications.

2.16.9. The subject of announcements may be goods or services, the sale of which is not prohibited or limited in accordance with the legislation of the country in which they are sold, and also does not contradict this Agreement.

2.17. 1 (one) Placement per unit is accepted to account the number of posted publications.


3.1. When placing publications, users of the Site grant the Company the right to process their personal data on the conditions provided for in Appendix No.1 (Privacy policy) to the Agreement.


4.1. The Company reserves the right to contact the User: send information messages to the email and physical address specified during registration, as well as send messages to the User’s mobile phone.    

4.2. Collection of information is carried out by means of an unassisted, using the software of the Site, specification of the relevant data required to place publications on it by the User.

4.3. Information of a technical nature contained in the system, for example, ip-addresses, in accordance with the general rules of Internet communications, is used by the Company for the purposes related with the maintenance of network equipment, as well as for aggregation of general statistical, demographic information (for example, about the region from which the user connects).

4.4. The Company saves the data of the last access of the User to the system in order to ensure

high quality of the provided services, adaptable to the individual needs and interests of the user.

4.5. The User accesses the services of the Site during periods of continuous use – sessions. The registered User accesses the part of the Site that is accessible only after entering his login and password at least once during the session.

4.6. Disabling the saving of the data of the last access to the system in the browser settings does not affect the ability to use the services of the Site as a whole, however, they may limit their functionality for the User.

4.7. The data of the last access to the system is also used to collect statistical information on the use of services by the Users.

4.8. The User is prohibited from providing information in violation of this Agreement or the rights of third parties, in particular the information should not contain:

  • vulgar, offensive language;
  • propaganda of hatred, violence, discrimination, racism, xenophobia, interethnic conflicts;
  • calls for violence and illegal actions;
  • data that violate personal (non-property) rights or intellectual property rights of the third parties;
  • information that promotes fraud, deception or abuse of trust;
  • information leading to transactions with stolen or counterfeit items;
  • information that violates or infringes on the property of third parties, trade secrets or the right to privacy;
  • personal or identifying information about other persons without the express consent of those persons;
  • information containing information that infringes on the inviolability of private life, offending someone’s honor, dignity or business reputation;
  • information containing defamation or threats against anyone;
  • information of pornographic nature;
  • information harmful to persons beyond legal age;
  • false and misleading information;
  • viruses or any other technology that could harm websites, the Company or other Users;
  • information about services considered immoral, such as: prostitution or other forms that are contrary to moral or legal norms;
  • links or information about sites competing with the services of the Company;
  • information that constitutes “spam”, “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes” or unwanted or deceitful commercial advertisements;
  • information spread by news agencies;
  • information with an offer of earnings on the Internet, without specifying a physical address and direct contacts of the employer;
  • information with a proposal for a franchise, multi-level and network marketing, agency activities, sales representatives or any other activity that requires recruitment of other members, subagents, sub-distributors, etc.;
  • information of an exclusively advertising nature without offering a specific product or service;
  • information that otherwise violates the laws of the country for which the announcement is intended.

4.9. When submitting an advertisement with offers of services subject to licensing, it is required to indicate the license number and the name of the issuing authority in the advertisement text.



5.1. The User’s publication may be deleted by the Company because of violation of the terms of this Agreement by the User, as well as for the following reasons:

  • This User already has an active equal ad on the Site advertising this product/service;
  • The information contained in the ad is contrary to this Agreement, the rules for publishing publications and/or the law;
  • The information contained in the ad is false;
  • Website and mobile data: The Company can automatically receive and register information on its servers from the user’s browser or any device, including the IP address, the User’s geolocation, software and hardware attributes, the pages that the User requests, the data contained in the browser databases, including SQL databases, mobile identifiers (including mobile device identifiers such as Google Advertisement ID, IFA or IFV), information on application use, and/or information about other devices used or system level information. This can occur on the Site or on a mobile application, or on services of third parties. Additional information on how users can control and / or block such collection of information is located below in section 6 of this policy.
  • The comments to the photos contain a link to Internet resources;
  • The photo has no obvious semantic connection with the ad text or does not serve the purpose of adequately illustrating the ad text;
  • The photo contains user interface elements, abstract drawings, etc.;
  • The photo contains any advertising information (link to the website, e-mail, phone number, Skype, ICQ, ID in social networks, ID of other messengers, etc.);
  • The photograph is of poor quality and the depicted subject is indistinguishable;
  • The advertisement was submitted to a directory that does not correspond to the meaning of the submitted advertisement.
  • The Company has received a complaint from the owner of intellectual property rights, and/or a request from an authorized government body;
  • The Company has been provided with a substantiated complaint from another User about the violation of his rights in the ad.



6.1. All objects available through the services of the Company, including design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, video, computer programs, databases, music, sounds and other objects, as well as any content posted on the services of the Sites, are subjects of exclusive rights of the Company, Users and other right holders.

6.2. The use of content, as well as any other elements of services, is possible only within the scope of the functionality offered by one or another service of the Sites. No elements of the content of the services of the Sites, as well as any content posted on the services of the Sites, cannot be used in any other way without the prior permission of the copyright holder. The “use” is understood, including, but not limited to: reproduction, copying, processing, distribution on any basis, etc.

6.3. To provide the Company with the right to publish the information provided by the User, the User provides the Company with a valid everywhere (not limited geographically), perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, sublicensed right to use, publish, collect, demonstrate, copy, duplicate, reproduce, communicate to the public regarding copyright rights, publications and databases owned by the User, as well as regarding the information, images and photographs provided by him on all known or unknown media. The above rights are granted to the Company free of charge (without payment of remuneration). At the same time, the User retains all property rights to the content of the information posted in the ad. In addition to the above, the User grants the right to access the information posted by him to all users of the Sites. The User agrees that the text, photos, and other materials added to the ad can be used by the Company within the scope of preparation of advertising materials, articles, reports, analyzes, etc., and used by the Company at its sole discretion without additional consent from the User, without payment of remuneration.

6.4. By using the services of the Sites, the User confirms that he is solely responsible for the content of the publications posted by him, and also has all the necessary rights, licenses, permissions to post information in an ad on the Sites, including without limitation all patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, or has the appropriate written consent, license or permission of all persons and companies identified in the ad to use their names or images.

6.5. The User undertakes:

  • Not to take any action that could lead to a disproportionate load on the infrastructure of the Sites;
  • Not to use automatic programs to gain access to the Sites without the written permission of the Company;
  • Not to copy, reproduce, modify, distribute or present to the public any information contained on the Sites (except for information provided by the User himself) without prior written permission of the Company;
  • Not to interfere with or attempt to interfere with work and other activities on the Sites; as well as not to interfere with the operation of automatic systems or processes, as well as other activities, in order to prevent or restrict access to the Sites;
  • Not to use the information provided by other Users for other purposes, except for making a transaction directly with this User, without the written permission of another User. This clause of the Agreement does not include the personal data of the User, which the latter provides to the Company during registration.

6.6. The User is prohibited to:

  • Discussion of the actions of the moderators and the administration of the Site in any other way, except through electronic correspondence with the moderators;
  • The use of Usernames similar to the names of other Users in order to impersonate them and write messages on their behalf.
  • Use statuses in the ad text, in photos that are not provided by the Company (for example, “best seller”, “VAS recommended”, “VAS verified”, etc.).
  • Use in the text of the ad, in photographs the “VAS” goods and services sign for any of its manifestations, names similar to the sign for goods and services, the name “VAS”, and any other derivatives.

6.7. Access of other Users to the User’s personal data is possible only with the written consent of the User for such access or in compliance with the requirements of the relevant legislation.

6.8. The Company undertakes to make every effort to properly fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, including normal operation of the services of the Sites and the non-spreading of personal data provided by the User to third parties, except as otherwise provided by law.

6.9. The Company may periodically set restrictions on the use of the services of the Sites, in particular, the maximum number of days for storing ads and their size. The Company has the right at any time to change or terminate the operation of the services of the Sites or their parts with or without notice to the User, without bearing responsibility for such changes or termination.

6.10. In order to maintain the high quality of its services, the Company reserves the right to limit the number of active publications of the User on the Sites, as well as limit the actions of the User on the Sites.

6.11. The Company may deny access of the User to the Sites if the User violates the terms of this Agreement. The fact of a violation is considered confirmed if the User was notified by the administration of the Sites about the conduct of activities that violate the rules of the Sites and the rights of the third parties. The Company reserves the right at any time to delete or disable the User’s account, as well as to delete all posted User’s publications, leaving a prior notification of the User about such disconnection at its discretion, and without incurring responsibility for its actions to the User and third parties.

6.12. The Company has the right to at its sole discretion reject, delete or move any ad posted on the Sites in response to violation of this Agreement.

6.13. The Company has the right to transfer the Sites with all its services and content, including the personal information of the Users, to its successor under contracts or other grounds. The transfer and notification of the Users about such transfer is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.

6.14. The User has the right to submit complaints on the work of the Site through the feedback form of communication, which will be reviewed within five working days of their receipt, or from the receipt of complete information on the nature of the complaint. The Company has the right to at its discretion terminate the consideration of the complaint and/or limit the number of responses to Users who violate the terms of the Agreement. The Operator providing support to Users by phone and/or answering the User’s phone call has the right to terminate the call in the event of the User’s threats to the Operator, the Company, obscene language, shift of the conversation on personal topics or in case of pointlessness of the conversation.

6.15. The Company reserves the right at any time to request the User to confirm the data specified by him during registration, and in this regard to request supporting documents (in particular – copies/certified copies of identity documents), the failure to provide which, at the discretion of the User, may be equated with providing false information. If the data of the User referred to in the provided documents do not correspond with the data specified during registration, and in case, when the data provided during registration do not enable to identify the User, the Company has the right to refuse User to access to use Sites services with advance notice User or without one.

6.16. The Company has the right to terminate support (functioning) of certain versions of the VAS application for mobile devices based on any operating systems at any time. To continue using the application, the User must update the application to a new version, or download the application in the current version.

6.17. The Company has the right to block the User’s account without the possibility of its restoration if more than 6 (six) months have passed since the moment of its blocking or suspension. For purposes of this paragraph, the cause for blocking (suspension) may be both a violation of the User Agreement by the User, and suspicious activity of the account.

We are forced to apply such measures, since after 6 months we are not able to verify the account data and ensure the safety of its use.


7.1. The order (acceptance) of paid VAS services is carried out by the User on the page of the User's personal account.

7.2. The User undertakes to familiarize himself with the prices for paid services of the Company posted on the Sites, after which he can order such services. The cost of selected services are available in the "Personal account".

7.3. The return of paid funds for services not rendered is carried out by the Company in the following cases:

If, due to any technical problem, the service was not provided or was not provided in full, the refund of the paid funds is carried out by the Site/s administrator authorized by the Company after the user provides proof of payment.

Funds are returned within 1 month from the date of the user's contact with the support service and the process of agreeing on the return.

7.4. The user agrees that confirmation of the provision of services by "VAS" are Paid invoices from the User's personal account (Section My Accounts).


8.1. By using the Sites services, the User confirms his agreement that he uses the Sites and its services at his own risk and risk “as is”, assesses and bears all the risks associated with the use of publications posted on the Sites, and the Company, including its management, employees, do not bear any responsibility for the content of ads posted on the Site, for any damage and losses resulting from the use of ads posted on the Sites.

8.2. The Company is not the organizer/initiator of the transaction between the Users or its party. The Site is a trading communication platform that enables Users to post for sale, sell and purchase legally permitted goods and services at any time, from anywhere and at any price.

8.3. The Company cannot control the accuracy of the information posted by users in the ads. Company and is not responsible for any damages incurred as a result of the transaction, or misconduct of any of the parties to the transaction.

8.4. The Company is not responsible for the behavior of Users or for the goods/services offered by them, indicated in the posted ads. All disputes and conflicts between Users are resolved by them independently without involving the Company.

8.5. The Company is not responsible for any unauthorized access or use of the Company’s servers and/or any information about users stored on them, as well as for any errors, viruses, “Trojan horses”, etc. that may be transmitted to the Sites or through the Sites by third parties.

8.6. The quality, safety, legality and compliance of the product or service with their description, as well as the ability of the User to sell or purchase the product/service are beyond the control of the Company.

8.7. The Company encourages Users to use caution and keep common sense when using the services of the Sites. The User should take into account that his counterparty may not have the appropriate legal capacity or impersonate another person. The use of the Company’s services implies that the User is aware of and accepts these risks, and also agrees that the Company is not responsible for the actions or omissions on the part of the User.

8.8. The User cannot conclude that the offer, sale and purchase of any product or service is valid and legal based on the fact of placing, selling and purchasing a product or service on the Sites. The Company is not responsible for the completion of the transaction by the User of the Sites. The User assumes full responsibility for his actions.

8.9. If the User has claims against another User as a result of the use of the Site services by the latter, the User agrees to present these demands independently and without interference from the Company, and also releases the Company (along with its subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, directors, authorized and employees) from all claims, obligations, compensations for damages, losses, costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, known or unknown, arising out of or in connection with such claims.

8.10. Failure to act on the part of the Company in case of violation by the User or other users of the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive the Company of the right to take appropriate actions in defense of its interests later, and also does not mean that the Company waives its rights in the event of such violations in the future.

8.11. The User has the right to inform the Company about the fact of violation of his rights by another User by using the HELP link. If the User’s complaints are justified, the Company, at its discretion, removes the ad that violates the User's rights.

8.12. The Company is not responsible for non-fulfillment or difficulties in fulfilling the obligations to provide access to the Sites due to unforeseen force majeure circumstances, the consequences of which cannot be avoided or overcome (such as decisions of authorities, labor disputes, accidents, breaks in the general communication system, etc.).

8.13. The Company is not responsible for malfunctions of the Sites caused by technical interruptions in the operation of equipment and software.

8.14. Under no circumstances the Company, its management, employees and agents will be liable for direct, indirect, accidental, special damage, losses and paid penalties of any nature (even if the Company was warned of the possibility of such damage) as a result of using the Sites and its services by the User, including, without limitation, cases in which damage resulted from the use or misuse of the Sites and its services.

8.15. Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as the establishment between the User and the Company of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, labor relations, or any other relations not expressly provided for by the Agreement.

8.16. The Company is responsible for advertising posted on the services of the Sites, within the limits established by applicable law.

8.17. The Company is not responsible for the safety of information from the account, the ability to use the services of the Site, the safety and the ability to use funds on the personal account of the User, in the event of blocking/prohibiting the use of third-party services through which the User registers and/or logs on to the Site that are outside of control Companies.


9.1. This Agreement enters into force from the moment the User starts using any of the Site services, installs the application, or from the moment the User registers on the Site and is valid indefinitely.

9.2. The User has the right to terminate his registration on the Site unilaterally, without prior notice to the Company and explanation of the reasons.

9.3. If the Company has made any changes to the Agreement in the manner provided for in clause 10.1 of the Agreement with which the User does not agree, he is obliged to stop using the services of the Sites. The fact of not stopping the use of the Sites is a confirmation of the User’s consent with the corresponding edition of the Agreement.

9.4. Termination of the Agreement by the Company may occur in the following cases:

9.4.1. Violation of the provisions of this Agreement, causing any harm to the Company, including its reputation, or to users of;

9.4.2. Taking other actions that are contrary to the policy of the Company;

9.5. Legal relations can be renewed only after the appropriate decision is made by the administration of the Company.


10.1. In order to improve the quality of the services provided on the Sites, to comply with legal requirements and respond to changes in market conditions, this Agreement may be amended by the Company unilaterally. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet at the address specified in this paragraph of the Agreement, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement. The current version of the Agreement is always on the page at


11.1. System messages of the Sites related to the User’s ads are delivered to the email address provided by the User when placing the ad on the Sites, and/or in the form of SMS messages, Viber messages, WhatsApp messages, Telegram messages to the phone number specified by the User.

11.2. Informational messages intended for a wide range of Users are published on the Sites and/or sent to the email addresses of Users who have confirmed their consent to receive such messages in the process of publishing announcements/registration on the Site.

11.3. Users have the right to refuse to receive informational messages to their email address, and/or SMS messages, Viber messages, WhatsApp messages, Telegram messages that come to the phone number specified by the User at any time through the “Unsubscribe from mailing” function contained in the User personal account.

11.4. If any disputes and disagreements arise between the Parties under the present Agreement or in connection with it, the Parties undertake to resolve them through negotiations. If any disputes, disagreements or claims arising out of this Agreement, or in connection with it, including those related to its execution, violation, termination or invalidity, cannot be resolved through negotiations, then these disputes are considered in accordance with the current legislation in court.

11.5. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Poland. Issues not regulated by this Agreement are subject to resolution in accordance with the current legislation of the Poland. All possible disputes arising from the relations governed by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Poland and international legislation, in accordance with the regulations.

11.6. Throughout the text of this Agreement, unless otherwise explicitly stated, the term “applicable law” means both the legislation of the Poland and the legislation of the place of residence of the User/Users.

11.7. The recognition by the court of any provision of the Agreement invalid or not subject to enforceability does not result into the invalidity or unenforceability of other provisions of this Agreement.