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Posting rules

We want the whole process of selling and searching for the right products to be comfortable and efficient, use our rules for creating publications on VAS

On the VAS it is not allowed to:

  • Doubling profiles
    It is allowed to create and use only one account for a private or a legal person. Only one profile is available to one user (both a legal entity and an individual). It is forbidden to transfer/lease the profile (information required to access the profile) for rent or sell to the third parties.
  • Doubling, re-placement of ads. Deleting and re-registering a profile
    Placing and/or re-placing (deleting the old one and placing a new one) is prohibited. Also, it is not allowed to delete and re-register the same profile or different profiles from the same user.
  • Description of more than one product in one ad.

Placement rules:

  • Filling in fields when adding a post
    The more detailed you fill in all the fields when adding a publication, the easier and faster a potential buyer will find you.
  • Demand and Supply
    VAS is the largest international agricultural service. There is no doubt that among them you will definitely find a product and service that suits you. No need to place ads like “Buy”, “Looking for” – just use filters and search by service.
  • Photo and video
    Appearance is very important for both products and services. Announcements with photos and video get several times more responses and give more comprehensive information.
  • Rules for posting photos and videos:
    photos and videos must match the ad text
    photos must show only the offered real estate/product/etc.
    photos and videos must be of good quality
    photos and videos must not contain erotic or pornographic scenes, logos and links
    videos must not contain obscene language
    the video must not contain unfair, inaccurate, unethical information, hidden advertising, as well as information that harms the business reputation of the advertiser’s competitors;
    photos such as “screenshot” with the indication of contact information are prohibited.
    add at least 3 photos of the proposed object
    photos are not allowed to contain phone number.
  • Additional description block:
    This block is a kind of “hook” for creating the buyer’s interest. Describe the product or the service in details and competently.
  • Additional description on the VAS service should:
    be about one product/service
    contain all the features and properties of the product (those that were not in the fields when adding a publication)
    be true (placing known to be false information will lead to the deletion of the publication)
    be not transliterated (transliteration – writing Russian words in Latin letters is not allowed)
    do not contain a phone number – there is a special field for it;
    do not contain links
    do not contain repeated keywords and phrases
    must not contain obscene language
    should not contain unfair, unreliable, unethical information, hidden advertising, as well as information that harms the business reputation of the advertiser’s competitors;
    do not contain repeated capital letters (except for abbreviations) and non-alphabetic characters (* ^ @ <>), as well as many exclamation points (!!!!!) or question marks (????)
  • Price
    Indicating the price is a prerequisite for posting the publication. If you want to sell the goods at a negotiated price, instead of the cost, select the item “Negotiated”.
  • Phone and e-mail
    Your contact phone number and email address from your Personal Account will be automatically indicated in publications.


Violation of any of the above paragraphs of the Rules is the basis for rejection of the publications (both with the possibility of editing and without the right to restore).
Systematic violations of any of the above Rules, as well as numerous complaints from other users, lead to account blocking.
The owner of the service and its representatives do not bear any responsibility for the content of the ads posted on the Portal, for any losses and losses resulting from the use of the user’s ads posted on the Portal and other data.
The rules apply to all ads regardless of whether paid services apply to them or not.
Paid ads can also be rejected if violations are found.
For each rejected ad, a service letter is sent with a description of the reason for rejection to the email address specified in the personal account.
If the message is not in your inbox, check your Spam folder.
The Portal administration cannot control the accuracy of information posted by Users in ads.
It is not responsible for the behavior of users, or the goods / services offered by them, indicated in the ads.
All disputes and conflicts between Users are resolved by them independently without the involvement of the Portal Administration.
The quality, safety, lawfulness and compliance of the product or service with their description, as well as the ability of the User to sell or purchase a product/service are beyond the control of the Portal Administration.

VAS administration reserves the right to change and/or update these Rules at any time without prior notice.