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You cannot even imagine how many goodies you can find in the “Processed Products”

Goods are available for purchase and sale that have one thing in common - they are already ready for use

The Milk and Dairy Products group looks like a gastronomic paradise! In the same list with regular milk, you will find yogurts and kefirs of any fat content, hard cheeses of many varieties and cottage cheese.

Below are the products that are in every pantry and we need every day.

Kitchen salt of various origins, sugar for the most sophisticated gourmet. Of course, aromatic coffee and tea in varieties that are easy to get lost in.

If you plan to place an advertisement for the sale of vegetable oil on VAS, then you will be very pleased with the list of its types.

For pasta and noodles lovers, we have prepared several characteristics to choose. First, you can choose the type of flour and then the shape.

So hurry up to publish your products to make successful sales on VAS

Latest news

Raw materials

A small announcement of the category "Products of animal origin"
How to place your product and what products are available for publication will be described in more detail here




Raw materials

Vegetable products - a category that will appeal to you
How to work with this category and what is tasty here - we will tell further




Raw materials

All types of seed material of most crops in one category "Seeds"
Seedlings or seeds? Variety or hybrid? This category has it all


